Several hundreds of people coming from very diverse places of the Union, marched this Saturday about three kilometers by the main avenue Washington, from the Department of Justice to the White House, where their slogans of Freedom for the Five stayed by space of one hour sending and protesting which Luis Posada condemns to the terrorist Posada Carriles, whose extradition to Venezuela constituted one of the exigencies. There was coincidence in describing it like “exceptional day”.
Francisco Letelier, Livio Di Celmo, Jose Pertierra and Andrés Gómez, four of the main orators in the acts that took place in the American capital, in solidarity with the five Cuban prisoners in the United States. Francisco Letelier, son of the ex- Chilean chancellor Orlando Letelier, indicated that its presence was to have because “the murder of my father 30 years ago has been having strong connection with the Five and the fight because there is not impunity with Luis Posada Carriles”. “They are the same people, the same terrorist organizations who collaborated and conspired in the murder of my father. They are many parallels, we have the same fight”. In that “creation of unit towards a goal”, that could see in the acts and the march, Letelier found a one more reason of impression and emotion: “I remembered the love that my father had to the Cuban people and the one I have to them since my first trip in 1978, to the World-wide Festival of the Youth, which it helped me in my formation, the conviction to fight by social justice, by justice before the crimes, and by a true democracy in Chile”.
Also it gave its impressions Livio Di Celmo, brother of Fabio, Italian young person who died in an attack organized by Luis Posada Carriles, and who executed a mercenary doing to explode an explosive charge in the Havanan Copacabana hotel, in 1997 Livio resides in Montreal, Canada, and from that city, and from Toronto also, the support arrived at the March and the Forum that took place in afternoon hours in the George Washington University, where gave its testimony because “it is a way to wake up the conscience of the North Americans towards the history of the five Cuban brothers”.
Andrés Gómez, who spoke in name of the Martian Alliance, commented to us the participation of the Cubans of Miami, Key West and Tampa, and emphasized the presence of so important and dissimilar personalities as Akbar Mohamed, representative of the Nation of the Islam; the academic Saul Landau; Wayne Smith, ex- head of the Office of Interests of the United States in Havana; the president of the National Lawyer Guild; the lawyer Leonard Weinglass and the activist and fighter by the cause of the Five, Gloria the Riva, who in defense of justice “spoke of the most powerful way”.
Jose Pertierra affirms that we can make arrive at the North American people the message of which the Five fought against the terrorism, to explain them who are Gerardo Hernández, René Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and Ramon Labañino; who went on board of the airplane of Cuban, and keep the memory of them always present. Its description of the march is eloquent. “While they approached to the university estates, to his slogans of Freedom for the Five, were also united the applause of some of the passers-by and shouts of Long live to Cuba, Long live to Chávez…”